Discover our Service Department
At FLUITEN, we are convinced that Customer loyalty is achieved by improving product performance rather than selling spare parts. In this light, we keep pace with developments within our sector. The notion of Service means so much more to our Customers than simply assistance. We offer our support with the assembly and start-up of the most critical systems, researching suitability with machines in the case of retrofitting, failure analysis, MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) research, in order to keep maintenance costs down. We were one of the first companies to successfully offer a Global Service, which ensures Customers receive and are constantly provided clear levels of performance.
We created the Service department, which is extremely flexible and stands independently of the production process, to respond to our Customer requests for the repair and adjustment of mechanical seals, and additionally those made by Companies which use competitor products. We are able to analyse and regenerate, or convert, mechanical seals used on rotating machines, increasing their reliability and adapting them to meet current safety legislations in force and international standards. Our team of technicians is prepared to analyse the reasons behind malfunctions and to study improvement or alternative solutions.
Maintenance plays an essential role in terms of guaranteeing not only productivity, but also safety and the reliability of systems. Constant checks of parameters relative to the most at risk system parts, limit the possibility of interruptions of the entire system operation. In an increasingly systematic manner, we pay specific attention to partners able to provide assistance by means of predictive analysis, in order to set interventions which serve to significantly limit unexpected stoppages.