We produce standard and engineered mechanical seals with quality and passion
Learning needs of our customers >>> Project development >>> Dynamic test >>> production >>> Quality testing >>> Delivery >>> After-sales service.
These are the steps that have allowed us to become a global player in the design and construction of mechanical seals.
We manufacture all our products in Italy in the Pero plant, near Milan, covering an area of over 10000 m2.
We have structured an innovative process: we employ the most modern management systems, we constantly update the production with new machines and CAM-CAD systems that guarantee quality and flexibility at all times. Our organisation, made up of highly specialized and trained personnel, allows us to develop and produce, in a short time, engineered mechanical seals that are recognized and appreciated, all over the world, as our excellence.
Near the Expo Area, in the suburban of Milan, Alberto Delfo Colombo, in 1962, founded what today is the FLUITEN, an Italian company that employs more than 100 people in Europe and represents excellence of the precision mechanics industry.